List of institutional experts


Institution or Company Name National Council for Combating Discrimination
Current Location Valter Maracineanu Square, no. 1-3, District 1, 010155
Map It
Sector of Activity Public Sector
Primary Field of Expertise Equal rights and anti-discrimination
Experience in working with
  • State institutions
  • NGO
  • National public administration
  • Local public administration
Project management experience No
Research activities No
Experience in EU funded projects Yes
Experience in international projects Yes
Sustainable development
  • Social policies
Equal rights and anti-discrimination
  • Women and gender equality
  • Roma
  • Other minorities
  • Mental health and people with disabilities
Geographic Experience / Focus
  • Romania only
Project management experience No
Research activities No
Experience in EU funded projects Yes
If the answer to the previous question is Yes, please give some details.

"Community Programme for Employment and Social Solidarity – PROGRESS (2007 – 2013)"
”Improving the Management of Discrimination Cases in Judicial Courts”

Experience in international projects Yes
If the answer to the previous question is Yes, please give some details.

Project leader for Romania of the Twining Phare Programme, RO/”2003/IB/SO/05, ”Institutional Building in the Field of Antidiscrimination” in collaboration with Ministry of Justice from Holland

International partnerships No
Flagship products / Best practices:

• Proposes the establishment, under the law, of certain actions or special measures for the protection of the disadvantaged persons and categories that are either in a position of inequality as compared to the majority of the citizens due to their social origin or a handicap, or are confronted with attitudes of rejection and marginalization, when not benefiting from the equality of chances;
• Proposes the Government draft legal regulations in the field;
• Endorses the draft legal regulations regarding the exercise of rights and freedoms, in conditions of equality and non-discrimination;
• Co-operates with public authorities with prerogatives in the field with a view to the approximation of the domestic legislation with international regulations on non-discrimination;
• Co-operates with public authorities, legal and natural entities in order to prevent, sanction and eliminate all forms of discrimination;
• Watches the application and observance of the legal provisions on preventing, sanctioning and eliminating all forms of discrimination by public authorities, legal and natural entities;
• Receives petitions and complains regarding violations of the legal provisions concerning the principle of equality and non-discrimination from natural entities, NGO’s with activities in the field of the protection of human rights, other legal entities, public institutions; analyses the respective petitions and complains, adopts the appropriate measures and answers within the term provided under the law;
• Co-operates with NGO’s with activities in the field of human rights protection;
• Elaborates studies and researches on the observance of the principle of equality and non-discrimination that shall be submitted to the Government and made public;
• Issues publications in this domain;
• Ascertains and sanctions the contraventions provided under the Government’s Decision no 137/2000;
• Co-operates with similar foreign NGO’s active in the field of the protection of human rights, as well as with international organizations in the field.
• Carries on any other functions settled by the Government or by the Parliament, through normative acts, regarding the prevention, the sanctioning and the elimination of all forms of discrimination.

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