
Institution or Company Name Resource Center for Public Participation - CeRe
Current Location Slt. Zaharia/22/
Map It
Sector of Activity NGO
Primary Field of Expertise Civil society development
Experience in working with
  • NGO
Project management experience No
Research activities Yes
Experience in EU funded projects No
Experience in international projects Yes
Awards Special Award of the Civil Society Gala 2014
Civil society development
  • Civil society development
Geographic Experience / Focus
  • Europe
Project management experience No
Research activities Yes
If the answer to the previous question is Yes, please give some details.

CeRe has been conducted research activities in areas such as: community organizing, citizens participation, triggers of protest activities and participation, etc

Experience in EU funded projects No
Experience in international projects Yes
If the answer to the previous question is Yes, please give some details.

Being part of the European Community Organizing Network, CeRe was involved in many exchange projects with Ukraine, Russia, Slovakia and Moldova.

International partnerships Yes
Flagship products / Best practices:

Being part of the European Community Organizing Network, CeRe was involved in many exchange projects with Ukraine, Russia, Slovakia and Moldova.

Papers/ Articles Published

Awards Special Award of the Civil Society Gala 2014
Contact Institution