List of institutional experts


Institution or Company Name PACT Foundation
Current Location Str. Hagiului no.6, 1st Floor
Map It
Sector of Activity NGO
Primary Field of Expertise Civil society development
Experience in working with
  • State institutions
  • NGO
  • National public administration
  • Local public administration
Project management experience Yes
Research activities Yes
Experience in EU funded projects Yes
Experience in international projects Yes
Sustainable development
  • Education
  • Social policies
  • Social economy
Equal rights and anti-discrimination
  • Women and gender equality
  • Roma
  • Youth and social categories at risk
Civil society development
  • Civil society development
Geographic Experience / Focus
  • Romania only
Project management experience Yes
If the answer to the previous question is Yes, please give some details.

Since it was founded in 2006, PACT Foundation has implemented 42 projects plus numerous activities as a partner of other organisations. PACT has worked in over 160 rural and small urban communities in Southern Romania, offering community facilitation, training and more than 150 small grants to community-based organisations.

Research activities Yes
If the answer to the previous question is Yes, please give some details.

PACT undertakes small-scale research activities, mainly in support of its other activities (i.e. community profiles, desk research on various topics).

Experience in EU funded projects Yes
If the answer to the previous question is Yes, please give some details.

PACT has implemented projects with pre-accession funds (Phare) as well as EU structural funds (PODCA).

Experience in international projects Yes
If the answer to the previous question is Yes, please give some details.

PACT has implemented, as applicant or partner organizations, several international projects with multiple NGO partners, with different types of funding mainly from the European Commission (i.e. DG Justice, Leonardo etc.). PACT is member of the European Community Development Network (

International partnerships Yes
Flagship products / Best practices:

"In its approach to community development, PACT will continue to focus on creating and building the capacity of Community Based Organizations (CBOs). However, PACT understands that active CBOs alone might have a limited impact on development processes without the engagement of other stakeholders such as local public administration, schools and other partner NGOs, so that together they can address the complex mix of challenges faced by residents of low-income rural communities in Romania. In its approach to community and CBO development, PACT will: ● Have an integrated approach towards building the capacity of CBOs, community members and other relevant local actors to define a vision for the holistic development of their community and to work together to create a plan to achieve that vision. ● Accompany local actors to achieve their vision by bringing together different partners with relevant expertise to address community needs (e.g. partner NGOs, experts, public institutions) ● Have long-term interventions (at least three years) in order to allow CBOs and other local stakeholders to become relevant actors for local development and gain sustainability. In order to mobilize the capacity and expertise to address different types of community issues, PACT works with multiple partners – other NGOs, companies, experts and public institutions."

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