List of institutional experts


Institution or Company Name The Romanian Centre for Innovation in Local Development
Current Location Bd. Basarabia / Nr. 92
Map It
Sector of Activity NGO
Primary Field of Expertise Sustainable development
Experience in working with
  • State institutions
  • NGO
  • National public administration
  • Local public administration
Project management experience Yes
Research activities Yes
Experience in EU funded projects Yes
Experience in international projects Yes
Sustainable development
  • Education
Civil society development
  • Civil society development
Humanitarian assistance and crisis response
  • Humanitarian relief, civil emergency, crisis response
Geographic Experience / Focus
  • Europe
  • Asia Pacific
  • South East Asia
Project management experience Yes
If the answer to the previous question is Yes, please give some details.

The team has over 10 years experience & expertise in starting and implementing international, national and local and/or regional programs in Europe (Romania), Asia (Nepal, Bangladesh, Indonesia), with pipeline initiatives in Africa (Senegal, Uganda).

Research activities Yes
If the answer to the previous question is Yes, please give some details.

We have strong academic/research background in fields such as: urban and rural regeneration, management of change, community development, urbanism, architecture, two of the team members are also teaching, one at Oxford and one at The Faculty of Architecture in Bucharest; one team member co-started the Romanian chapter of Academics Stand Against Poverty (ASAP).

Experience in EU funded projects Yes
If the answer to the previous question is Yes, please give some details.

The team members are very familiar with EU funded projects, being exposed both as recipients of funding (NGOs / UNDP), but also as partners in evaluating applications (as part of Governmental structures).

Experience in international projects Yes
If the answer to the previous question is Yes, please give some details.

- Educational capacity building and community & economic development (Nepal, Bangladesh, Indonesia)
- Humanitarian relief, crisis response (Nepal)

International partnerships Yes
Flagship products / Best practices:

- EduCaB Inc.:

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