
Institution or Company Name MasterPeace Ro
Current Location Paltinis , no.26, 100437, Prahova
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Sector of Activity NGO
Primary Field of Expertise Peace and security
Experience in working with
  • NGO
Project management experience No
Research activities No
Experience in EU funded projects No
Experience in international projects No
Good governance and rule of law
  • Public sector reform
Peace and security
  • Free and fair elections
Sustainable development
  • Education
Equal rights and anti-discrimination
  • Women and gender equality
  • Youth and social categories at risk
Geographic Experience / Focus
  • Europe
Project management experience No
Research activities No
Experience in EU funded projects No
Experience in international projects No
International partnerships No
Flagship products / Best practices:

We started in August 2015 with a series of workshops on what the term peace means and how to reach this goal, not only externally, but also inside. In these activities we had with us volunteers from tow associations from Ploiesti, ""Young Volunteers Valea Calugarrasca"" and ""A drop of happiness."" The project objectives were sharing strategies, tools and innovations in the field of social responsibility, reconciliation and solving the problem by promoting peace and human rights. The two workshops were attended by 40 volunteers.
The next event was held on 21 September 2015, a call to arms, where young people were invited to draw as they see peace. We got involved a total of 40 educational institutions in the country and from abroad, also in Ploiesti the members MasterPeaceRomania club attended the events unfolding in 5 educational institutions (Technical College ""Tomas N Socolescu"", the Sanatorium School from Busteni, The Technical College ""Elie Radu"" in Ploiesti, Poienarii Apostles School, Mănceiu Ungureni High School). Also in the County Library ""N Iorga"" Ploiesti, two partner associations (""Youth Volunteers Calea Calugareasca"" and ""A drop of happiness"") drowned graffiti with peace signs. The impact was huge: 16 schools in Romania attended, five non-governmental associations, 250 students, 50 teachers and 20 volunteers.
MasterPeace Romania Club was a partner in the ""Festival of Peace in Tunisia"" Gratiela Avram represented the club. This activity was conducted over ten days and it was intended to be a forum for exchanging ideas and best practices for making social change for peace. Also, it wanted enlargement plans aspects of life participating in a multicultural perspective and support for specific projects run by young people to be implemented in the country.
On November 7, 2015 MasterPeace Romania Club received from the Youth Forum of Romania the Structured Dialogue Romania prize of 2015, as a symbol of association members' participation in the development of policies proposed by the Youth Forum on the agenda of the Romanian Ministry of Youth and Sports.
MasterPeace Romania was a signatory in November 2015, of a memorandum addressed to the President of Romania, Mr. Klaus Johannis, which alongside other associations in Romania demanded ministerial selections on the basis of integrity and competence.
In November 2015 Marian Dragomir and Petrică Armencea, members of MasterPeace Romania Club become Ambassadors for Structural Dialogue in Prahova County award conferred following a selection of The Youth Forum of Romania.
In December 2015 Marian Dragomir, Romania MasterPeace Club coordinator was elected as a member of the International Association ""Global Alliance for Ministries and Infrastructures for Peace"".
After setting up The MasterPeace Ro Association by approval of the file number 215/281/2016 on 20 January 2016, the association held two workshops that focused on the fundraising, events developed both for members of the association and for volunteers of the Associations ""Youth Volunteers Valea Calugareasca"" and ""A drop of happiness"", participating in total a number of 32 volunteers and had as trainer Petrică Armencea. We wanted that the participants to be motivated to develop fundraising plans, with emphasis on the importance of strategic planning and target setting financial and fundraising. Also, participants were offered a deal of useful tools for identifying and researching other possibilities donors and fundraising. At the end of the trainings participants had a better knowledge on the development of their fundraising activities; they learned new techniques of fundraising and had an opportunity to practice these new skills in a supervised environment.
MasterPeace Ro Association held a series of three trainings on ""Sustainable Development Goals"" (""SDGs""). The trainers, Marian Dragomir, learning objectives were: introduction to the post-2015 agenda origins in 2030; increasing awareness of sustainable development goals and how they impact on Romania; how we can work to help sustainable development objectives; preparations to integrate the SDG’s into national plans and strategies. Also, he tried to have the participants’ commitment to work to support the goal 16 Peace. The three workshops were held in Bucharest and Ploiesti City and promoted SDG to over 50 participants. This project ended on 26 March 2016 with a workshop in partnership with the Association ""Youth Delegate to the UN"" where David Timis, Delegate of Youth to the UN of Romania, held training for 3 hours to a total of 30 participants coming from over 6 associations from Ploiesti.
In April 2016, the Association MasterPeace Ro became partner in Romania to ""Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light” Association recorded at the Department of Public Information of the United Nations.
MasterPeace Association Ro is present through two volunteers at the International Festival of Peace in Fez, Morocco taking place between 8 and 17 April 2016 held with the help of the Ministry of Youth from Morocco. The festival is part of the association's agenda to raise public awareness, enabling people to peaceful and healthy decisions for themselves, their families, nations and continent; to stimulate dialogue on peace, non-violence and social justice; to instill feelings of compassion, understanding and tolerance, and to inspire active citizenship, creative and global understanding through stories.

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