Institution or Company Name | PATRIR |
Website | |
Current Location | Str Ion Ghica 30 Cluj Napoca Romania Map It |
Sector of Activity | NGO |
Primary Field of Expertise | Peace and security |
Experience in working with |
Project management experience | Yes |
Research activities | Yes |
Experience in EU funded projects | Yes |
Experience in international projects | Yes |
Awards | 2015 Best Project on Civic Education; 2011 World Vision International Peacebuilding Prize |
Good governance and rule of law |
Peace and security |
Sustainable development |
Equal rights and anti-discrimination |
Civil society development |
Humanitarian assistance and crisis response |
Geographic Experience / Focus |
Project management experience | Yes |
If the answer to the previous question is Yes, please give some details. | PATRIR has been implementing a wide variety of projects in the areas mentioned above, self-funded, with private and ODA funding ranging from a few thousand euros to over 1000000 EUR grants for a 3 year period. Our staff is experienced in project management and implements specific conflict-sensitive project management methodologies including a focus on multi-stakeholder participation, do no harm and strategic and systemic planning. |
Research activities | Yes |
If the answer to the previous question is Yes, please give some details. | A main pillar of our Institute, research fundaments all activities undertaken (be them training programmes or context assessments or others). PATRIR also has published a number of works on themes such as Conflict Contexts, Training Manuals on Conflict Transformation, Violence in Schools, Peace Education, and Developing Projects in Partnership. |
Experience in EU funded projects | Yes |
If the answer to the previous question is Yes, please give some details. | We have implemented as lead applicants or partners projects in the Youth in Action and Erasmus+ sector, under ODA NSA-LA Funding Line, European Year of Development, FPI and others. |
Experience in international projects | Yes |
If the answer to the previous question is Yes, please give some details. | In recent years we participated in a project together with EN.CPS in order to raise awareness of the MEP on strengthening the civilian intervention mechanism of the EU, we ran the Crimea Policy Dialogue project that spanned from 2009 until 2016, which, given the political upheaval and violence in Ukraine and instability in Crimea had to undergo a restructuring in terms of types of engagement and the team continued to work on a long-term prevention measure, multilingual education. We also partnered with CPAU Afghanistan, the Romanian MFA and UNDP for a project 'Achieving the MDGs through Peacebuilding: Capacity building in transition to democracy, community based-dialogue and peacekeeping operations for international, national and local actors in Afghanistan'. We also developed training courses in cooperation with ForumZFD for future civilians peace force on how to intervene as a Third Party through negotiation and mediation in dialogue processes. In 2015 we became partner in a UN-sponsored Nineveh Paths to Peace programme following our focus on the recent conflicts in the Middle East, specifically Iraq and Syria. |
International partnerships | Yes |
Flagship products / Best practices: | "PATRIR is one of the internationally known and pioneering organisation in the field of conflict transformation and peacebuilding, its International Peace and Development Training Center and affilitated trainers having trained more than 2500 practitioners in the field, and having offered support and capacity building to institutions such as The Commonwealth Secretariate, UN, OSCE, GIZ and others. Its Designing Peace Projects (DPP) training is gathering state of the art praxis and represents one of the few comprehensive design models that exist in the field. PATRIR is also one of the lead members of UNOY, United Network of Young Peacebuilders, having achieved together with other institutional partners the passing of the UNSC Resolution 2250 on Youth Peace and Security in December 2015. PATRIR is focusing on peace education and has gathered a considerable experience in this field ranging from needs analysis to implementation of alternative pedagogical models in high risk community schools. " |
Papers/ Articles Published | "April 2016 Cumulative Impact and Needs Assessment report 'Successes and Challenges in Development Education and Youth Work in Egypt' as a result of the Technical Assistance for Development and Civic Education in Egypt project December 2015 Comparative Study Serbia, Norway and Romania 'Understanding and Combating Violence in our Schools' as a result of Participation. Decision. Reducing School Violence May 2014 Needs Assessment Country Report 'Contributing to Peace Consolidation in Afghanistan' as a result of the project 'Achieving the MDGs through Peacebuilding: Capacity building in trnasition to democracy, community based-dialogue and peacekeeping operations for international, national and local actors in Afghanistan' |
Awards | 2015 Best Project on Civic Education; 2011 World Vision International Peacebuilding Prize |
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