Institution or Company Name | Romanian Institute for Research on National Minorities |
Website | |
Current Location | str. Gavril Muzicescu 5, Cluj-Napoca Romania Map It |
Sector of Activity | Public Sector |
Primary Field of Expertise | National minorities, inter-ethnic reconciliation |
Experience in working with |
Project management experience | Yes |
Research activities | Yes |
Experience in EU funded projects | Yes |
Experience in international projects | Yes |
Peace and security |
Sustainable development |
National minorities and inter-ethnic reconciliation |
Equal rights and anti-discrimination |
Humanitarian assistance and crisis response |
Geographic Experience / Focus |
Project management experience | Yes |
If the answer to the previous question is Yes, please give some details. | The Institute has specific, result-oriented activities which are pursued as sub-projects in the frame of its seven, encompassing research projects; moreover, one of the Institute's main tasks is to establish and maintain partnerships with international bodies and institutions in terms of particular projects |
Research activities | Yes |
If the answer to the previous question is Yes, please give some details. | One of the Institute's main tasks is to conduct inter- and multidisciplinary, fundamental and applied research on different aspects of preservation, development and expression of ethnic, cultural, linguistic and religious identities of national minorities and of other ethnic communities formed as a consequence of recent migration processes |
Experience in EU funded projects | Yes |
If the answer to the previous question is Yes, please give some details. | "MigRom12 - The immigration of Romanian Roma to Western Europe: Causes, effects, and future engagement strategies WE: Wor(l)ds which Exclude" |
Experience in international projects | Yes |
If the answer to the previous question is Yes, please give some details. | SEEMIG - Managing Migration and Its Effects in South-East Europe |
International partnerships | Yes |
Flagship products / Best practices: | "RIRNM Databank on Romanian Minorities |
Papers/ Articles Published | "Tamás Kiss & István Gergő Székely (2016): Shifting linkages in ethnic Anghel, R. G. (2016) Migration in Differentiated Localities: Changing Statuses and Ethnic Relations in a Multi-Ethnic Locality in Transylvania, Romania. Popul. Space Place, 22: 356–366. doi: 10.1002/psp.1925. István Horváth & Ilka Veress: The Armenians in Romania: Cultural strategies and state policies. In Konrad Siekierski & Stefan Troebst (eds.): Armenians in Post-Socialist Europe. Böhlau Verlag, 2016 |
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