
Institution or Company Name Resource Center for Roma Communities
Website ;
Current Location Street Tebei no. 21, 400305
Cluj Napoca
Map It
Sector of Activity NGO
Primary Field of Expertise National minorities, inter-ethnic reconciliation
Experience in working with
  • State institutions
  • NGO
  • National public administration
  • Local public administration
Project management experience Yes
Research activities Yes
Experience in EU funded projects Yes
Experience in international projects No
Good governance and rule of law
  • Public sector reform
Peace and security
  • Free and fair elections
Sustainable development
  • Healthcare
  • Education
  • Social policies
National minorities and inter-ethnic reconciliation
  • National minorities and inter-ethnic reconciliation
Equal rights and anti-discrimination
  • Women and gender equality
  • Roma
  • Youth and social categories at risk
Civil society development
  • Civil society development
Geographic Experience / Focus
  • Romania only
  • Europe
Project management experience Yes
If the answer to the previous question is Yes, please give some details.

variety of programs, including grant schemes and EU structural funding

Research activities Yes
If the answer to the previous question is Yes, please give some details.

“Strategies -YES, funding –NO. Financing mechanisms for Roma public policies in Romania” (co-authors Florin Moisa, Daniela Tarnovschi, Claudiu Ivan, Adriana Marin, Diana Lacatus, Radu Lacatus). Cluj Napoca: Centrul de Resurse pentru Comunitatile de Romi

Experience in EU funded projects Yes
If the answer to the previous question is Yes, please give some details.

several EU structural strategic programs implemented between 2009 - 2015

Experience in international projects No
International partnerships Yes
Flagship products / Best practices:

not the case

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